PE and Sports Premium Funding
St John’s Primary School believes the purpose of the Sports Premium should be to:
Improve the quality of Physical Education and sports activities offered to pupils.
Provide continual professional development for staff to ensure teachers plan and deliver high quality Physical Education lessons in line with the new curriculum.
Provide appropriate competitive sport opportunities for children, within and outside of school.
Provide staff with teaching resources required to help them teach PE and sport.
Promote healthy lifestyle choices both within school and in the wider community, by engaging parents.
Support and involve the least active children.
Work in partnership with other organisations and schools to maximise the potential of the Sports Premium.
Alongside the funding, we work in close partnership with other organisations and schools to maximise the potential of the Sports Premium and the impact that it has at our school.
Please see below for our 2022-23 Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sports Premium report.